Tuesday, March 2, 2010

Grainy Day Followup

I would like to thank Walter Murdock for responding to our entry (Kristine, Julie Congo and B. Charles) about Phase Fail Day in the studio. It is nice to know that the multiple errors encountered were not entirely our fault.

So, here are his explanations behind the fails...

1) Use Capture One. NOT Capture One Pro. It fails.
Walter: Names are confusing. C1 pro is a version that allows you to use other cameras and files. C1 DB is only for PhaseOne Digital Backs. You guys had version problems that ideally wouldn’t be an issue. Unfortunately G5 is Power PC not Intel. Current version (5.1 this week) only operates on Intel Macs.

Kristine: Good to know that the two versions weren't just put there to further confuse the already confused.

4) When shooting, make sure you have the FIRST 'capture' folder highlighted. There are two. Avoid the fail.
Walter: I believe this is a version issue. Though you can set any folder as a capture folder

5) Change the camera ready sound to 'PURR'. It is the best. 'Frog' sucks.
Walter: I just think this is hilarious

6) We never got the P40+ to work tethered. So, we can't give you much information on that.
Walter: Power PC vs. Intel Mac. Try the laptop and check that version #

Kristine: Will do!

8) Use a tripod. Focus fail.
Walter: Always a good idea

9) Make sure you use the curly cable to connect the Hasselblad lens to the camera back so that the mirror up function fires.
Walter: Also prevents starlight spots in captures

Kristine: I call it Christmas grain.

10) Many problems were solved by unplugging and replugging the wire. Which resulted in a nice 'PURR' sound.
Walter: Genius deduction! Don’t know why but this works, always the first thing on troubleshooting list

11) Don't use computer model # that begins with: 117
Walter: Don’t use G5. Sorry this failure is my fault, not yours.

13) Smile! (=
Walter: Great advice

Walter: Its a GREY card! You use it for White balance.

Kristine: I don't know why we wrote white..

As ridiculous as Fail Day was at the time, looking back we really did learn a lot through a series of trial and error. We plan on doing weekly Saturday Sessions. You guys should try experimenting with the cameras/equipment too!


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