Friday, March 19, 2010


Man... I write a lot more than I post here. If you think I'm wordy now, realize this is me trying to work against that.

Today was a great day. My all-day photo class gave us a simple directive; go do street fashion. Different students were sent to different areas. Occasionally some students get an atypical assignment from the rest of the group. I was sort of one of those. Instead of a specific area I was instructed to shoot corners. Like, Charles Dutton corners? Haha... ha?

A small 90 degree angle was sketched for me.

I had gotten it into my head to shoot with a contemporary, powerful, fast point & shoot. Not mine, which is glacial. A friend lent me one. My friends are awesome.

So off I went. Haven't had a morning like that in a while.

Street shooting is like the Twitter of photography. Someone's there for an instant, mostly they grimace, and they're gone. I like the one's that pinch up more than the grimacers.

Problems: I'm still not close enough. The masters get right up in your grill. They don't fucking care. I need to get to that point.
You can't ask permission. I did, four times. Two said yes. One came out well. I like it. It's like a masthead for this kind of thing. The Sartorialist cover; some kind of credibility. Many of these, though, the keen could detect cowardice. I wouldn't argue with them.

Otherwise, nothing unusual. I have audio I'll play for you guys next week. It's short!

Oh, and I learned a fucking ton about fashion. Hats are fashionable. Problem solved!


  1. My favorite is the truck with the guys on it. I really thought they were real!

  2. AH i thought they were real this whole time until i read your comment jenna. that photo is great though.

    i like your approach with these images. The perspective of shooting from angles below and above make me feel like they are almost being spied on. it think the ones of the store windows with the reflection are nice.. there's almost a perfect transition from street buildings to inside the store. The mannequin on the right looks like it could actually be outside.
