Thursday, March 11, 2010

Friday's Shoot

So last Friday Tim, Ryan, Jolene and I were in the black and white, 4 by 5/8 by 10 gap inspired group.   I am used to the already slow process of a large format camera, but did not expect this kind of slowness just by adding a digital back.  To take a picture:

1.  Focus on a ground glass about half the size of a normal 4 by 5 back that is twice as dark. (about 1-7 minutes)
2. Set the apeture and shutter speed. (10-60 seconds depending upon how small your fingers were)
3.  Close the lens and cock the shutter. (10 seconds)
4.  Press digital back and within 4 seconds press the shutter release. (4-30 seconds)
5. Wait for picture to show on computer. (10 seconds)
6. Check focus. (10 seconds)
7. Repeat.

With that being said, I really liked the digital back.  The idea of shooting 4 by 5 digitally is a whole new wonder because I  can achieve the same effects as before just without the process of scanning and dusting my images.  So I guess, the long shooting time is far less then the time it takes me to dust a single image (1-3 hours).  

I can't wait to use it again. 


  1. wow jenna, those are awesome, espically the second and last one!

  2. my favorite is the 2nd one. she looks timid and vulnerable, you caught a good expression from her along with the cropping of her face.. it looks as though she is shying away. i don't know why you were doubting your images, looking at them again, i'm seeing how beautiful and real they are. great portraits!

  3. I love the selective focus, works quite well here. portraits are definitely a niche of yours.
