Sunday, March 7, 2010

Kristine's Images • March 5th, 2010

On Friday, my group was assigned to shoot the male nude. Overall, it was a great experience. We worked well together as a team and we each had our own unique vision... Vanessa shot first and played around with interesting lighting to create abstract images, Charles used a Phantom of the Opera inspired mask mixed with dramatic lighting, Julie did a series of crazy body poses, and I got down and dirty (literally) with our model.

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The human body is the ultimate landscape, nature in its most natural form. The slopes and curvature of the figure resemble the underlying structure of the earth, the smooth and gradual ground before it was first touched. With the use of a macro lens, I explored the beauty of anatomy. The simplistic purity of skin and the details of the body are often overlooked amidst the big picture, similar to the individual elements of a scene.

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The convergence of man and nature...

Kristine Guzman
More at my personal blog.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Nice video!

    These images have a lot of power to them. The obscured 'still lifes' (as they feel) really do accomplish your idea of nature, even withholding the dirt. I see an animal skull in his back (third image).

    The first (horizontal plane of the back) and third to last (unidentified dirty region) especially, intriguing images.

    However, I remember specific images (that you put on your blog) that aren't on here for some reason. Where is the dirt explosion headshot? The bent back macro shot? I would post 'em up.

  3. Thanks Julie! And now that you mention it.. I don't see an animal skull on the image of his back... But I do keep seeing an open mouth with fangs...

    I posted up a couple more.. I think I was just worried about having too many images on the blog!

    I can't wait to see your finished images (=

  4. The model's eye is doing something weird in the last image, and some of the ones above are too abstract I think, but you obviously have a strong vision and a lot of technical skill. Nice work

  5. Kristine your shoot turned out great. The abstract photos are amazing, it's so hard to tell what is what which is perfect.

    I loved helping you out on set (even while being exhausted and feeling like I was going to collapse) you took a risk and were not afraid to go for what you wanted to capture.

    4th photo up from the bottom is the best, it's just right and I am so surprised you got home with his eyes open because all that dirt falling down would make anyone flinch
