Thursday, March 11, 2010

Great Hall Shoot

For this shoot, my group was fortunate enough to work with two great models Alexis and Christy. To lit up my photographs I used one light behind my subjects and one with umbrella (45 degree) on the side. It gave me nice rim lighting effect.
Even though, studio shooting is not my strongest skill, I think this was a good learning experience.


  1. the 2nd to last one, LOVE IT. I only wish someone could have reflected more light onto the cloth covering her face or the edge light around her head went more around her head (poorly worded)

  2. I agree, it's a little to dark. Maybe I should try to bring some of the details in photoshop. Thank you

  3. Interesting shots with the fabric draped over her face. Maybe it would have been nice to have a fan or play around with movement. I feel as though the edge lighting should have carried out through more of her figure.. and the accent lights that are there seem a little blown out and theatrical because of it. but overall, good job. the images convey a romantic, yet classic mood. the maroon color of the shear along with the teal of her tattoo are a good combination too

  4. she's so proud in the last photo. looks like a statement photograph about feminism. very cool.
