Saturday, March 6, 2010

Kerry's 5 from Photo Shoot


  1. i chose to critique the last image, mainly because i don't know what curtis assigned for your shoot but i like an image that makes me "feel" something, even if it's exaggerated. as a whole they are all lit well and make good use of a model who seems able to give you many feelings and poses.

  2. Overall, there is an interesting lighting going on. I like how you were really able to capture a sense of movement, while also having him appear still at the same time (if that makes any sense). Your model seems really into it and gave good variations in expressions. One thing I do recommend however, is that you clean up the color of the background. It appears a little muddy in some of the images. I don't know if you were going for super white, but even if not, make the background the same shade throughout.


  3. Your subject looks great within the lighting you chose. However, I'm not exactly sure what's going on here, could you give us some insight into the photoshoot?
    Also, I think the second and third image are composed well within the frame, but you may benefit from rethinking some of the other cropping/composition. Like the visible portion of foot in the fourth image, it feels a little awkward.

  4. I'm not really sure how I feel about these. I think you should've put more thought into them

  5. the last image reminds me of the artist Tricky, it's really powerful. I think with what he is capable of doing with movement you could have maybe tried out some tighter cropping, made it more abstract and not as straight on and too the point.
