Sunday, March 7, 2010

hand in hand

Hey guys! These are my photo's from Friday's shoot.


  1. Nice addition to their body art with the painting idea.
    I think your second photo nails it. Interesting pose that looks kind of "caught" and natural. Really vulnerable, androgenous, it's great. Also great use of the frame.

  2. i would say that the 5th image is my pick for strongest image of the bunch, i like the earnestness of the forms from behind, it also feels like it's a narrative...

    to be completely honest, i'm very confused as to why they have handprints all over themselves...

  3. I just thought two plain naked girls would be boring Louis. haha kidding. No but really I heard they were lovers so I thought the hands would represent the bond between them.

  4. I love LOVE but I agree with Louis. The paint is unneccesary. Naked girls are never boring. In fact, a female nude is one of the most beautiful meaningful things...

  5. I agree with Lara and Louis the paint is unnecessary. Maybe you could have had some of them painting eachother? I do not know. I think them being nude would have worked- what's more personal and intimate then what they would actually be doing together in real life?

  6. I like the cropping of the second image.
    I agree with them in saying that the paint in unnecessary. If there was a solid meaning/purpose for the paint, then it would be more appropriate I think.. Or if the painting methods had more of a structure.
