Monday, March 22, 2010

Shooting for fun

You cannot tell from the image at this size but the speckles on the model is actually glitter. Printed you can tell 100% it's glitter and not ants or whatnot. I used two very old strobes to shoot this in PA in my basement. Two lights one light with an umbrella placed higher aiming down on the models head and another strobe with a blue gel to illuminate the glitter. If I had reflectors with me I would have reflected more light onto his left side but sadly I did not.

PS. if ANYONE can help me build a simple webpage for my photography I'll buy you a nice dinner or if anyone needs help with retouching skin, etc. I'll edit some photos for you, I have a domain name I just need to make a basic page to show my photography. If anyone can help please email me,


  1. charlieee, this is beautiful. it doesn't look like ANTS even when the image is small.. And I like how the blue is only on one side of his body even though it wasn't completely intentional. it is a good balance of warm and cool. good job!

    i think i've seen that wall in a photo before. lol.

  2. oh it was intentional to have the blue on just the one side, it goes with my quote for cited i just cant hide my monster side, half good half something else.

    thanks though, i have used that wall before haha i like its texture

  3. oooh. when you said that you wish you had a reflector i thought you said you wish you could have blue on both sides. lol.
