Monday, March 22, 2010

tattoo shoot

Last Friday, Curtis offered me the oppurtunity to shoot in-studio portraits of people with body art. Although I know a crap ton of people with various body modifications and tattoos, getting said people to come to midtown in the middle of a work day was not the easiest task. I ended with three individuals with varying degrees of tattoos. Inspired by a recent talk in our Experiencing Style class on rear projection, I attempted to project scenery behind my subjects.

I went in rather blind and although I'm not particularly thrilled with my shots that day, I think I learned a lot about how to approach this differently in the future.

1- I would work with a mobile projector, not a fixed one, so that I could actually have full body shots.
2- I would shoot tattoos again and I would shoot projection again, but not in the same shoot. Too distracting.
3- I would use different/ more versatile, powerful strobes (I just wanted to get the hang of the Mobilites).

Shot with Mark 3 and 2 Broncolor Mobilite heads (one w/ umbrella sock, one with #2 scrim).


  1. I love the last one- ideal combination of super creative background and simple props!! You delivered all in one- humorist(ic) and artistic ;)

    Extremely Lovely!!

    Well done Gussin ;*

  2. I have to add: baby face with an old man's face ;)))
