Thursday, March 11, 2010

Pretty Jessica

My assignment for the great hall was to do a gap inspired shoot using a digital camera in color. I had my friend Jess come in. My favorite images are the ones of the blue shirt (particularly the first one). Arturo and I were a team and he is a wonderful person to work with in the studio. Who knew! Hooray for Gap Heaven. PLEASE CLICK THE IMAGES AND ENLARGE THEM so you can really see the depth of field and details in the clothing :)



  1. I really adore the 3rd photo with her wearing the grey knit sweater, to me it reads GAP the most out of all of the photos. The position of her body around the negative space works really well, the only thing is she looks a bit sad and most GAP ads the models are always smiling and looking retarded, so I'm happy you gave it your own approach

  2. I like your the raw, "unhappy" approach. I agree with Charles, they are very GAPy ;)

  3. the lighting is beautiful and the textures of the sweaters look great. the color palette really blends well together, especially with the grey background with slight vignette. i agree that they are very gap like and i like how you incorporated something different with the muted expressions. good job!

  4. Great expressions you captured, and the light looks beautiful on her. The first and second images are especially nice, as the first shows the classic denim jacket with fashion expression that we all know GAP represents and the second is a really emotive portrait that is well styled and captures mood. Great job.
