Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Nudes in Flight

I was really looking forward to the Great Hall shoot because our group was going to have a nude female model. Nudes are one of my favorite types of photography but I’ve only done a few shoots. One being my best friend in a castle and the others being self portraits. So I was pumped to have this model brought in for me to do anything with. The only issue I worried about was all the shooting I had done previously and my favorite photographers shoot with available light and I had no idea how to light this myself. I looked at Steve Richards work and eventually can to idea of jumping. Originally we were supposed to have a dancer so I thought it would be perfect, but she was ill, so my friends Alexis and Christy ended up being the models. Which was perfect because they were really easy to work with and when I asked them to jump they literally asked how high.

We had a great shoot. I went first out of my group and I used the Broncolor Power Packs with umbrellas. One at like 85 degrees on both sides, so there would be high lights on their sides as well as lighting the front just a little. I am really proud of myself in making it work. It still always amazes me when I’m able to light something the way I want it. I just hope I can continue to amaze myself and this stuff never gets old.


  1. The lighting on the figures looks great, Kelsey. Very chiaroscurro reminiscent. However, I feel the falling of the light on the background is a bit distracting, and based on the images, I like the brownish-tone portion of the background more than the darker areas. Really dig the last image.

  2. Yea, I agree it's distracting. I didn't notice it on the LCD screen but when I brought them into Camera Raw it was pretty obvious. I had to yank the blacks way up and I lost some detail around their hair but I'm still happy with it. Thanks!

  3. I think Aleix's arms look kinda weird in the first one, but otherwise, nice use of strobe. It would've been cool if you had somehow portrayed that these girls love eachother, but I guess you were just going for something else. Really creative. COol

  4. I am with you there on hoping to continue getting amazing lighting the way you want, it can be so tricky without assistants so many different parts you have to control. These photos look really beautiful and I think it was a good thing that girl got sick (not that she got sick) but you were able to work with people you know and creative lovely photos

  5. the lighting is really great especially since you had the task of lighting two figures. it's really interesting because you can't really tell how far they are off of the ground. i would suggest to clean up the background because you can sort of see the bend of the seamless. i wouldn't go super black though.
