Monday, March 8, 2010

Fine Art Dept Shooting

Unlike the other groups, i was shooting on location up in the final art dept, and to be honest, i'd have rather dealt with all the issues the groups had shooting in the great hall...
all of my images were uninspired and quite possibly the worst images to come out of me this year. apologies for the negativity but we are in school and this is the place to fail, and these images are wholly made of Fail.


  1. The last image is nice to look at (lines, color) and I think it shows the 'craft', or maybe the sacrifice, involved with painting in studio...more so than the portrait of the student working. That's out of the ordinary, but that's kind of interesting. It's evident you prefer objects to people, and you're out of your comfort zone, but that's a good place to be because it reveals what you like, don't like, and a new approach. Trial and error the shit out of stuff here is right.

  2. I think you could've done something really cool and its a shame you didn't try harder because you're obviously really talented

  3. there is only so much you an do photographing other peoples artwork sorry you had such a bad experience
