Thursday, March 11, 2010

Friday's Shoot with Chris

So last Friday as you all know, we had a shoot and in my group was Charles, Julie, and Kristine. Our model was Chris and he was really, really cooperative and patient. I think over all our shoot was very productive; I think we all came out with really great images. The shoot itself was very stressful and nerve-racking. Between lighting and PhaseOne camera and the software failing on us, I'm surprised we all stayed as calm as we did. FYI, if you use the PhaseOne cam, the focus is a bitch. Kristine and I got an extra tutorial on the PhaseOne cam, though, as well as Capture One software so I think we now it pretty well now. If you guys need help with anything, feel free to ask.

These photos are my final choices, although it was difficult to narrow it down...actually not so much because I had about 50/184 that were in focus and sharp. I was very specific about the lighting I wanted; just a simple, but very blown out silhouette lighting from the side(s) and the rest of the body to be completely dark. I wanted to keep it very fine art and conceptual, almost like you can't really tell what it is or what body part it is. I think I did a pretty good job if I do say so myself.


  1. the first and last one remind me of mapplethorp and I like them, but the others don't show enough I think. Creative lighting though!

  2. they turned out great. i'm jealous you got the background to be so completely black! Thanks for helping me focus my photos when I shot you are great at it

  3. These are some of my favorites from the class, I almost shot like this. I really like your lighting but I think you should have cropped in a little tighter and done more detailed shots. A long line of the body is interesting but a bunch of lines starts to be repetitive. I think you did a great job though!

  4. i love these images. my favorite is the last one. i agree with your decision to keep the images a little underexposed, it gives them more of a mysterious tone. i also like your use of negative space. i would however, vary the composition a little, like kelsey said, they get a little repetitive. but still, good job! and thanks for helping me clean up dirt lol.

  5. you nailed the tones, they look like film gradiation even though they're digital.

  6. I love these. They really fit in with your more abstract work and I love the shapes you created with the lighting and shadows. So beautiful!
