Monday, March 22, 2010

South Street Tourist Fashion, Jenna Gang

On Friday, I was given the task to photograph tourist fashion at South Street Seaport.  I took the challenge by photographing people with my normal "stranger" style.  I went up to my subjects and asked to photograph them.  During the shoot, I striked up conversations regarding their trip to gain more insight about my subjects.  It was great experience to meet people from all over the world from such places as Japan, London, and Sweden.  Each shot took less then 5 minutes to complete.  After the session, I handed over my card and asked them to contact me so I could send over a portrait.  So far, two people have contacted me.  

To see more of my portraits with this style, check out my Halloween story on my blog.  It's about half way down on the 1st page.  

This man I couldn't find out to much information about him except he was trying to enjoy the nice weather.  

She was on a month long vacation with her husband visiting from Japan.  She first thought I was asking her to take a picture of me.  After using hand motions to communicate my intentions, she let me photograph her.  

Andrew was on spring break from Jesery City.  After taking this picture, he was planning to head up to midtown.  

He was enjoying the sun while his friends were making out a few feet away.  He was off of school because they had a half day for parent teacher conferences.  He lives and attends high school in Queens, New York.

 The man on the left lives in New York.  The guy on the right was visiting him.

I caught Duke enjoying the sun waiting to see the bodies exhibit. A few days ago he was in DC checking out all the free museums.  He said it was great because no one has ever asked him to take his portrait.  

She was taking pictures during the last day visiting in New York. I was able to meet her and her mom who came from California.

She was enjoying the seaport with her husband and young son.  

He grew up in Rego Park, Queens until the age of 15.  Ever since, he has lived in California.  

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