Thursday, March 11, 2010

Stef's great hall shoot

I was very lucky to have an excellent, patient model, as well as a great and helpful team to work with. Thank you enormously to everyone involved!


  1. Hey, I think you should try to keep in mind that the camera is only seeing certain things to due to the angle you are shooting at and the angle of what you are shooting. Also it seems like his face isn't lit as well as the rest of his body. But great work overall!

  2. These are interesting the green fabric against the white really stands out nicely.

  3. the last image very interesting. I think it might be interesting to make the background cohesive or put some kind of line to seperate the images if your going to keep the background the same.

  4. I love how you showed the motion through the muybridge style stills presented together as one piece. I think that stands out and adds orginality, while showing what you're going for (depicting motion).
