Thursday, March 25, 2010


Don't be alarmed by the title, all of our shooting was done by none other than RICHARD SOLINGER! New York's HOTTEST young fashion photographer! These exclusive images were shot of the blog?, by the blog, and for the blog, and by me. The images I shot into the sun were my favorite. They really just let the color of each beautiful fashion garment glow and sparkle from the beautiful spring light, even through Brooklyn smog! I just metered for the shadow to really blow those highlights out of the water and make those colors pop!

Those photographic beauties were shot towards the east into the rising sun over Brooklyn. I was nestled in a spot safe from the bike lane, and out of way of pedestrians. Here is the google earth image of where I was.

So when I shot west my subjects were getting crazy direct light. Some of them would make amazing sunglass ads!


Thats what that guys thinkin, am I right?

So basically my day was perfect and sunny, and I even got some good photos out of it!
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