Sunday, February 21, 2010

Capture Fail Pro / Hasselblur / Grainy Day

We were recently informed by Walter and Brian that the towers do NOT work with the Phase One. I'm mad that they gave that to us when it wasn't capable of ever working, but happy that it wasn't our fault that we couldn't make it work.

So... We played around with the Phase One this weekend. Capture One didn't cooperate with the camera. We ended up switching to the Hasselblad with the Phase One back. There is lens flare in most of the images but only because we went insane over a day of Capture One failing and the session was about the cameras, not lighting.

Here is what we learned.

1) Use Capture One. NOT Capture One Pro. It fails.

2) Plug the tether cord from the camera to the tower. NOT the monitor.

3) Put the camera on continuous C setting.

4) When shooting, make sure you have the FIRST 'capture' folder highlighted. There are two. Avoid the fail.

5) Change the camera ready sound to 'PURR'. It is the best. 'Frog' sucks.

6) We never got the P40+ to work tethered. So, we can't give you much information on that.

7) If the P40+ fails, switch to the Hasselblad with the Phase One back.

8) Use a tripod. Focus fail.

9) Make sure you use the curly cable to connect the Hasselblad lens to the camera back so that the mirror up function fires.

10) Many problems were solved by unplugging and replugging the wire. Which resulted in a nice 'PURR' sound.

11) Don't use computer model # that begins with: 117

12) Learn this shit so this doesn't happen to you.

13) Smile! (=

14) P.S. It's better to adjust skin tone and white balance. Any other adjustments can lead to terrible fails. (Grain...)


So clear.

Kristine & Julie Congo.


  1. i had fun.... we need to do it again though and practice, we should plan something solid so we can really get into it

  2. You guys... I'm glad you played around and did some troubleshooting for the rest of us. We're committed to finding a way to make this work; or is that we should just be plain, old committed? Hummm, need to think this one out better...
