Sunday, April 4, 2010

NYC BOOK, coming april 9th....

NYC BOOK project shoot is happening Friday, April 9th.
Most of you should be receiving your assignments for the shoot to your personal/FIT email from one of our group members (Kelsey, Kristine, Andrew, Karissa, or myself).

Here's some of the basic info about the shoot and what's to be expected. Please read it, in it's long and boring entirety.


- The shoot begins at 12:00 am on Friday April 9th and will end at 11:59 pm Friday April 9th.

- You don't need to meet in class, just go.

- Film People: Be sure to manually log your timestamp* for the photos if not using digital format cameras.

- Include people. Diversity within the city is a main theme.

- Push yourself. We gave 3 assignments to allow room for variety, and of course photo fails. This isn't supposed to constrain, but allow ourselves to produce imagery conducive to the style of our own work, which we will then showcase as a class in the final book.

- Try your best. Some of us have assignments in various locations that aren't in the closest of proximity. Keep in mind, if you feel you're running out of time it's better to have 2 great assignments than 3 that don't quite have it.

- Make arrangements in advance if necessary. Part of the project is challenging ourselves to get permission, and talk to people. We apologize for not giving much notice on your assignments to make this easier. However, most of you won't get lip, and I'm highly in favor of the shoot and dash.

- Scout, scout, scope it all out! If you're not familiar with your assignment location, it's a good idea.

Post Shoot:

- Roughly 100-200 selects, 300 dpi TIF files

- We will begin collecting dvds or files from a hard drive on Monday April 12th and would like to receive all of them by Wednesday the 14th.

- You can indicate the time of the photographs in the following ways:
_Typed/written time and location log correlating with the numbered files.
_Raw files along with your tifs (you may need to indicate specific location, depending on your assignment, if it isn't obvious/ etc).
_Files named using their time and location.
_Any other way you can think to indicate specific times.

We'll post again after the shoot to firm up the details on turning in your selected images.

Julie Congo

*Just a reminder: the connecting factor within the final book will be stringing together the time (and location) of the photographs in sequential order. We ask that everyone log their location. And if your camera has a function to timestamp your film, don't use it.


  1. Hi! I have not received any e-mail assignments yet. Help!!

  2. Yours has been sent to your FIT account. Otherwise, do you have a personal email to send it to.
