Monday, May 3, 2010



Quick Links


Get the Most Out of Your ASMP Membership! - May 5th
Epson John Paul Caponigro and R. Mac Holbert event - May 12th
Copyright Society Event - May 12
Adobe Creative Suite Event - May 24
ASMP Fine Art Review 2010 - May 26
Programs and Contests

Image '10 is here - enter now!
ASMP Bestflow
Best of ASMP deadline is May 15, 2010
EVENT - May 5 - Get the Most Out of Your ASMP Membership!

This informative and festive evening will be an opportunity for new, seasoned and prospective ASMP members to discover all that ASMP has to offer:

Online resources Find-A-Photographer & Find-An-Assistant
Liability & Health Insurance discounts
2 Annual Portfolio Reviews
education programs
copyright advocacy campaigns
so much more!
ASMP is a national organization dedicated to supporting professional photographers with Best Business practices, industry advocacy, legal support and a strong community of passionate colleagues. NY chapter board members along with insurance reps and guest speakers will be on hand to answer all of your questions and provide details about ASMP membership benefits. Please strike up a conversation with one of us and enjoy refreshments, music and door prizes.

Wednesday, May 5th
7-9pm, doors open at 6:30pm

15 White Street (between Church Street and West Broadway)
New York, 10013, (212) 226-8571 (MAP)

Free to all.

EVENT - May 24 - Adobe Creative Suite
with Julieanne Kost

Adobe Photoshop CS5 gives photographers a set of breakthrough tools to help you refine your images and get superior results faster than ever before. Learn how Photoshop CS5 redefines the state of the art with a strong focus on photography; breakthrough painting and selection capabilities; and a wide range of workflow and performance enhancements. During Julieanne's session you will see:

New selection technologies and tools
Content-Aware Fill
Superior HDR imaging with HDR Pro
Automated correction of lens distortions, chromatic aberration, vignetting, and more..
Improved raw conversions and state-of-the-art raw photographic noise removal, additive grain, post-crop vignetting, and more-plus support for JPEGs, TIFFs, and over 275 proprietary raw formats-with Adobe Camera Raw 6.
Precise recomposing or repositioning of any photo element for a more visually appealing result with easy-to-use Puppet Warp
Natural and realistic painting with the Mixer Brush and Bristle Tips, which let you easily change a photograph into a painting or create unique artistic effects
The integrated Lab B&W action for an easy and interactive way to convert color images;
An accelerated workflow with faster performance with GPU-enabled cropping, powerful new selection technology, and integrated Adobe® Mini Bridge
Improved integration with Adobe Photoshop Lightroom® for a complete photography solution

Julieanne Kost -

Joining Adobe in 1992, Julieanne has learned her craft through hands-on experience and now serves as the Senior Digital Imaging Evangelist. Spanning digital imaging and illustration, her role includes customer education, product development, and market research. She is a frequent contributor to several publications, a speaker at numerous design conferences and tradeshows, and a teacher at distinguished photography workshops and fine art schools around the world.

Herself a passionate photographer, she combines her background in psychology in creating artwork, seen in several showings and published in several magazines. She is also the author behind the Comprehensive Photoshop CS3 training DVDs published by Software Cinema and author of Window Seat: The Art of Digital Photography and Creative Thinking published by O'Reilly.

Monday, May 24th
7-9pm, doors open at 6:30pm

Union Square Photo Studios
833 Broadway, 2nd floor (corner of 13th Street)
New York, 10003 (MAP)

Free ASMP Member Free ASMP Leader
Free ASMP Student*
$30 non-member
$15 non-ASMP member Student*

Register Online:

* At the event, you may be asked to show proof that you are eligible.


LOCATION: CALUMET - 22 W. 22nd Street, 2nd fl

6:00 Check-in
6:30 Introduction of reviewers
8:00 pm – 10 min break
9:00 pm – end of night


If you are a member, register here:
If you are interested in participating in the review and are not a member, you may do so by becoming a member of ASMP. This event is just one of many we offer throughout the year - including the members-only Commercial Portfolio Review in the fall.
To become a member of ASMP, join here:

Suggestions for photographers to read before the portfolio review:
Mary Virginia Swanson
A participant in the Student Program at FotoFest 2010

Suggestions for photographers to prepare for, and information about, the review event:
Photographers will wait in a line behind a reviewer they want to see. If that line is long and you see a reviewer that is available, jump out of line and go see them - you never know!
You will see approx 7 to 10 people, depending on wait time. There is no guarantee which reviewers you will see.

You will have 10 minutes to present your work to each reviewer, listen to their comments, and ask questions. A 'one minute warning' will be given

We recommend bringing one body of work with 10 to 20 images - big enough that they get a sense but not so big that it is difficult to get through in the time available.

No portfolio over 16x20 will be allowed for ease of reviewers.

Make the packing material easy to get through so as not to slow down the review. Time spent on packing/unpacking is included in your 10 minutes.

Bring leave behinds and leave behind your ego! This is about getting advice and making connections - if someone doesn't respond to your work, ask why but don't pressure them- this might be common sense but some people start arguing with reviewers and that doesn't really work out so well.

Bring your resume, bio and statements. These should be easily organized because time spent searching for them is included in your 10 minutes.

Also remember to bring leave behinds for the people you didn't get to see.

Read the reviewer bios, below, some of which list the type of work the reviewers are interested in seeing.
We recommend you 'google' the reviewers ahead of time to learn more about them.

REVIEWERS CONFIRMED as of 4/20/10 - ( list subject to change based on availability)

Elizabeth Avedon - Independent Curator and Consultant
Elizabeth Barragan - Director- Farmani Gallery
Lindsay Blatt - Daylight magazine- multimedia projects and photo editor
Elise Daher - Freelance Art Producer
Elaine Totten Davis - Coach
Jennifer Diamond- Event Space Producer - BH photo
Jeanine Fijol - Senior Photo Edtior - PDN
Julie Grahame - Publisher, A curator
Sara Hendricksen - Publicist- Allsworth press
Aurelie Jezequel- Editor in Chief Resource Magazine
Mia Kaplan- Freelance Art Curator
Stella Kramer - Photography Consultant, writer of ASMP's Sharpen and Stellazine blogs
David Laidler - Artist relations- Aurora select
Ruben Natal-San Miguel - Editor in Chief ARTmostfierce Arts Blog, curator, collector
Alex Niki- Publisher- Resource Magazine
Cara Phillips - Artist, blogger of women in photography
Jayne Rockmill - Book agent
Maggie Soladay - Social media expert, photo editor and SalaamGarage humanitarian media producer
Savannah Spirit- curator, Veaux projects
Courtney Strimple - Exhibitions Coordinator- Mixed Greens Gallery
Mary Virginia Swanson - Fine Art Consultant
Leslie Ann Wigon - Infinity pix- custom art services ( corporate buyer)
Laura Wyss - President, Wyssphoto, Inc.

Image '10 Call for Entries

Our annual national contest Image '10 is now open for entries.

Image10 is a nationwide photo contest run by the New York chapter of the American Society of Media Photographers and open to all professional, serious amateur and student photographers residing in the United States. Contestants are asked to submit one or more images that were created after January 1, 2009. The deadline for entry submissions is May 1, 2010.

For more information on submissions see How to submit an image.

Everything you need is here:

Special thanks to our sponsors, who made it possible to award our winners over $25,000 in prizes!

This competition has two categories, Professional and Student. Each has a first, second and third place prize awarded.

2010 Judges
Nathalie Kirsheh, Art Director, W Magazine
Katherine Schad, Photo Director, O The Oprah Magazine
Michael Boulia, Creative Director, BBDO
Alex Tasch, Sr. Art Buyer, Euro RSCG Worldwide
Brian Paul Clamp, Gallerist, CLAMPART

An Epson Print event with John Paul Caponigro and R. Mac Holbert
The Fine Art of Digital Printing

May 12th, 2010

11am to 5pm
Calumet Photo: 22 west 22nd street

Find out about the latest advances in digital printing.
You'll learn to evaluate printers, inks, media, RIPs, and profiles.
See the latest Epson printers and media in action.
Take the results home! John Paul and Mac will give a custom poster to every

Discover what's unique about a fine art workflow designed to maximize
See it in action.
See it detailed step-by-step.
See the results.
John Paul and Mac will build a file from the ground up and show you the
final results in print.

You'll learn to seamlessly integrate Adobe software Lightroom, Bridge,
Camera Raw, and Photoshop.
You'll learn a variety of tools and techniques that will help improve and
refine both your digital files and prints.
We've heard time and time again, "That one tip was worth the price of
admission." And there are dozens of these!

You'll leave with the knowledge you need to get the results youre looking
for and the confidence that it's the very best.

Topics include
- Evaluating printers
- Comparing media
- Quick Color Management
- How to analyze images to determine an optimum strategy
- Raw Conversion
- Sophisticated color adjustment strategies
- Selections and Masking
- Upsampling
- Noise Reduction
- Sharpening - Input, Creative, and Output
- Softproofing and Proofing
- Equipment maintenance and fine-tuning
- Print finishing and handling
- Fine art market practices

This one day seminar is one of the best values in the industry!

More event info:
Register here:

Find out more in their DVDs Fine Art Digital Printing and Fine Art Digital

John Paul Caponigro
Author of Adobe Photoshop Master Class and the DVD series R/Evolution, John
Paul Caponigro is an internationally respected fine artist, prolific author,
and highly sought after lecturer and workshop leader whose clients include
Adobe, Canon, Epson, and X-Rite. Learn more by visiting and get over 100 free Lessons plus a free
subscription to his enews Insights.

R Mac Holbert
R Mac Holbert has been at the forefront of the digital printing revolution
since its inception as the master printer at Nash Editions. He's printed for
more top fine artist's than anyone else. An Adobe and Epson alpha tester and
principal of Pixel Genius he's been an important innovator within the
industry. He is the author of Nash Editions Photography and the Fine Art of
Digital Printing and the DVD series Nash Editions Master Class. Learn more
by visiting

Learn more in their Fine Art of Digital Printing workshop.

Sponsored by Epson.

ASMP dpBestflow is live ... is a rich web resource which includes a series of on-line educational seminars, software & hardware solutions, workflow guides and book references, designed to match a wide variety of working styles. Now, by accessing the web site, photographers and others in the visual arts community have real-world solutions for preserving the quality and integrity of digital images, proven best practices that have been shown to produce superior results, and guidelines for streamlined production workflows.

Copyright Society Event


Licensing is a powerful tool generating billions in revenue. However, the risks and complexities of licensing have multiplied in recent years as new technologies have created new marketing platforms in the physical and virtual worlds. To help you understand, navigate and succeed in this new marketplace, the Copyright Society of the U.S.A. has assembled a distinguished panel of licensing practitioners that will provide you the practical guidance you need.

Location and Date of the Program:
May 18, 2010 at Anchin, Block & Anchin LLP
1375 Broadway, New York City, 23rd Floor (located at 37th and Broadway).

6:00 p.m. — 6:30 p.m. Registration, networking and light refreshments
6:30 p.m. — 8:00 p.m. Program
There is no charge to attend this program.

To register, please download this registration form. (No online registration.)
Registration deadline is Wednesday May 12, 2010.

Mary Beth Roberts will discuss the dramatic changes in music licensing and how music publishers are attempting to capitalize on them. She will talk about how copyright owners, faced with a decline in traditional royalties caused partially by music piracy, have gained new sources of revenue from third parties who increasingly use music to enhance and exploit their brands.
Mary Beth Roberts founded High Standards Unlimited, a consulting business for international and domestic music licensing. She was formerly VP of Catalogue Development at Sony/ATV and Famous Music Publishing. For over 20 years, she led concept development, copyright placement, marketing, negotiations and licensing of music used in synchronization, consumer products, new media, wireless entertainment and internet marketing.

Joseph Salvo will talk about licensing in the consumer products/entertainment area from a business and legal perspective. He will discuss the negotiating techniques licensors and licensees use to maximize their leverage. Joe will also discuss the legal strategies licensors may wish to use to protect and enhance their company’s intellectual property rights.
Joseph Salvo is Senior Vice President and Global General Counsel at HIT Entertainment, an international entertainment company that owns such pre-eminent pre-school brands as Barney, Thomas the Tank, Bob the Builder and Angelina Ballerina. He is involved in all forms of production and licensing, including television, film, audio, home video and consumer products.

Jonathan Wells will talk about the licensing of photographs and videos in the rapidly evolving physical, digital and virtual markets. Jonathan will also focus on the special concerns that arise when clients license internationally.
Jonathan Wells is the bureau chief of the New York office of Paris-based SIPA Press and oversees its licensing activities and production activities here. SIPA Press covers world news with a staff of photographers, a network of correspondents and distribution agreements with the Associated Press and other agencies around the globe.

Marc Federbush, CPA, is partner-in-charge of Anchin’s Apparel, Textile, Diamond and Jewelry Services Group. He will comment on the strategies that owners and licensees may use to protect themselves from unwanted disputes and costly litigation.

Andrew Berger will moderate the program. He is a copyright/trademark lawyer at the New York firm of Tannenbaum Helpern Syracuse & Hirschtritt. He is also a frequent speaker on intellectual property topics and writes a blog on IP issues at
The Copyright Society of the U.S.A. is a center of the U.S. copyright community for business people, lawyers in private practice and in-house, law professors and law students who share a common interest in copyright and related intellectual property rights. A not-for-profit corporation founded in 1953, the Society works to advance the study and understanding of copyright law and related rights, the scope of rights in literature, music, art, theater, motion picture, television, computer software, architecture, and other works of authorship, and their distribution via both traditional and new media.

Working on a memorable photography project? Submit it to the Best of ASMP 2010, before it’s too late!

Now in its sixth year, the ASMP Bulletin’s Best of ASMP issue features memorable projects spanning the full range of our members’ specialty areas, demographics and geographic reach. The 20 photographers selected for this yearly honor are featured both in print and online, where they discuss their technical accomplishments, their valued equipment, the clients they work with and more, in detailed interviews illustrated by their best work. For the Best of ASMP’s 2010 edition, we will accept member entries through May 15, 2010.

Any memorable project currently in progress or completed within the past year — from client assignments to personal work — is eligible for consideration. Memorable aspects could include the following: an opportunity for creative freedom, a rewarding collaboration with a client, an achievement in technical prowess, a logistical challenge overcome, an impossible deadline achieved, a budgetary milestone, a stranger-than-fiction encounter, a promotional best … and so on. Creative solutions will be highly valued and a sense of humor readily enjoyed.

Submissions should be represented by one image and a short text. Please follow the following guidelines in preparing a submission:
WRITE a brief (250 words or less) description about a current or recently completed project and what made it memorable for you.
PREPARE one low-res JPG (500 KB or less), title it with your name and make sure to insert your name and caption info in the IPTC settings (File Info fields of Photoshop).
E-MAIL both items to by May 15, 2010.

Please note that due to the number of submissions received, only the finalists, as selected by our editors, will be contacted during the month of June for more details about the submitted projects.
Sort through your database, size up your recent projects and start thinking about your submission now to ensure the submitted image and text will make the final cut.

Member Images

Photograph © Frank Rocco

(click image for detail view)

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American Society of Media Photographers New York Chapter

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