Thursday, February 18, 2010

APA: Advertising Photographers of America


On February 5th, APA came to speak to our class about their organization, what they do, and what they can do for students such as ourselves. You all should have gotten the information passed out during their presentation, if not, contact me and I'll make you a copy.

I found their lectures insightful, even though it was nothing I haven't heard before. Even so, it's always nice to hear from experience professionals who know what they're talking about. What's more is that, they're here to help us.

Curtis would like some feedback on what you all thought of APA. Leave any questions or concerns in the comment box.

Also, if you need to contact Kaia (the head of APA), her email is:


Vanessa :)


  1. i'll be the one to say it was really informative but the amount of people they brought was a little excessive, i feel like the information could've been put out in significantly less time.

  2. As working professionals, it was nice of them to take time from their busy day to come speak to our class. I am a member of APA and think it's a great networking organization for photographers. As students, you can join APA or ASMP for about $60/year. That's a great deal. They were very informative, but like Louis, I agree that the number of board members that came was a bit overkill. They all really said the same thing. I think Kaia, the president, and maybe 1 or 2 board members would have made the flow better. But overall, it was informative.
